Restraint & Handling for Veterinary Technicians & Assistants


Restraint & Handling for Veterinary Technicians & Assistants

Restraint And Handling For Veterinary Technicians And Assistants Pdf

By Bonnie Ballard and Jody Rockett

Restraint and Handling for Veterinary Technicians and Assistants PDF provides the knowledge required to restrain animals in a way that is safe for both the patient and the restrainer. Written in a โ€œhow toโ€ format Restraint and Handling for Veterinary Technicians and Assistants details information required for proper restraint for both small and large animals, as well as exotics. To aid the reader, the text features a glossary of terms and practice questions at the end of each chapter, and illustrates the most common restraint techniques seen in veterinary practice.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Principles of Restraint in Veterinary Practice.
Principles of Restraint. Animals in a Veterinary Facility. Complications of Restraint.
Chapter 2. Restraint Tools and Techniques for Small Animals.
The Use of Restraint Tools in Small Animal Practice. Noose Leashes. Rabies Pole. Blankets and Towels. Leather Gloves. Cat Bag. Dog Muzzles. Cat Muzzles. Cat Burrito Restraint.
Chapter 3. Restraint of Dogs.
Restraint of the Dog. Guidelines for Restraint of the Dog. Restraint of the Dog in the Standing Position. Restraint of the Dog in the Sitting Position. Restraint of the Dog in Sternal Recumbency. Restraint of a Dogโ€™s Head for Procedures Performed by Someone Else. Single Person Restraint of a Dogโ€™s Head When Performing a Procedure to the Head. Restraint of a Dog in Lateral Recumbency. Restraint of the Dog for Cephalic Venipuncture. Restraint for Venipuncture of the Lateral Saphenous vein. Restraint for Jugular Venipuncture.
Chapter 4. Restraint of Cats.
Restraint of the Cat. Restraint of the Cat Using the One-Hand Hold. Restraint of the Cat in Sternal Recumbency. Restraint of the Cat in the Standing Position. Procedure for Restraint of a Catโ€™s Head. โ€œCat Stretchโ€ Restraint (Restraint of the Cat in Lateral Recumbency). Restraint of the Cat for Medial Saphenous Vein Venipuncture. Restraint of the Cat for Cephalic Venipuncture. Restraint of the Cat for Jugular Venipuncture. Removing a Cat from a Cage. Placing a Cat in a Cage.
Chapter 5. Restraint of Exotic Pets.
Restraint of Exotics. Restraint of the Ferret. Restraint of the Rabbit. Restraint of the Pet Bird. Restraint of the Guinea Pig.
Chapter 6. Ropes and Knots.
Ropes. Finishing the End of a Rope. Quick-Release Knot. Bowline. Tomfool Knot. Double Half Hitch Knot. Tail Tie. Braiding an Eye Splice. Rope Halters.
Chapter 7. Restraint of the Horse.
Restraint of the Horse. Guidelines for Restraint of the Horse. Horse Behavior. Rules of Tying. Stock. Haltering and Leading. Applying Chains. Twitches. Loading Horses in Trailers. Special Handling Scenarios.
Chapter 8. Restraint of Cattle.
Restraint of Cattle. Guidelines for Restraint of Cattle. Processing Facilities. Operating Chutes. Haltering. Tailing-Up Cattle. Casting Cattle. Flanking. Securing Cattle Feet for Examination. Hot Shot. Nose Tongs. Nose Rings.
Chapter 9. Restraint of the Goat.
Restraint of the Goat. Guidelines for Restraint of the Goat. Collaring and Leading Goats. Stanchion.
Chapter 10. Restraint of the Pig.
Restraint of Pigs. Guidelines for Restraint of the Pig. Pig Boards. Castration Restraint. Snout Snare.
Chapter 11. Restraint of the Llama.
Restraint of the Llama. Guidelines for Restraint of the Llama. Haltering and Leading. Stock.

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