Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery


Fundamentals Of Small Animal Surgery Pdf

By Fred Anthony Mann , Gheorghe M. Constantinescu, Hun-Young Yoon

Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery PDF is One of The Best Veterinary Books Online. It offers a thorough introduction to the surgical principles essential to good veterinary practice.ย  With many high-quality pencil drawings and clinical photographs to complement the detailed descriptions, the book is a useful resource for building basic surgery skills.ย  Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery PDF is designed to provide a grounding in the foundations of veterinary surgical practice and an understanding of the practical application of surgical techniques. Covering topics ranging from assessment and surgical pack preparation to aseptic technique and postoperative pain management, the book is a valuable reference for surgical procedure training in veterinary or veterinary technician schools, and serves as a refresher for veterinarians and technicians in practice.

Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery Features:

  • Introduces the reader to the basics of veterinary surgical practice
  • Includes many pencil drawings and clinical photographs to accompany the text
  • Provides a useful resource for building basic surgery skills
  • Covers key topics for surgical procedures such as positioning, draping, and instrument handling
  • Serves as a valuable reference for gaining confidence in surgical procedures
  • Offers detailed descriptions of common tube placement techniques and a comprehensively illustrated step-by-step canine ovariohysterectomy technique
Table of Contents

Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery Table of Contents

Section 1 Communication Case Studies 1
Case 1.1 Comsmunicating about a Progressive Diagnosis and Prognosis 5
Julia A. Walch
Case 1.2 Diagnosis/Prognosis Uncomplicated Death at Home 12
Constance Dahlin
Case 1.3 Accommodating Religiosity and Spirituality in Medical Decision-Making 18
Jennifer Gentry
Case 1.4 Discussing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation When it May Be Useful 26
Kelli Gershon
Case 1.5 Discussing CPR When it is a Non-Beneficial Intervention 33
Judy Passaglia
Case 1.6 Discussing Brain Death, Organ Donation, and Donation after Cardiac Death 41
Christine Westphal and Rebecca Williams
Case 1.7 Discussing Physiological Futility 52
Judy C. Wheeler
Case 1.8 Wounded Families: Decision-Making in the Setting of Stressed Coping and Maladaptive Behaviors in Health Crises 60
Kerstin McSteen
Case 1.9 Notification of an Expected Death 68
Peg Nelson
Case 1.10 Death Notification after Unexpected Death 73
Garrett K. Chan
Section 2 Symptom Management Case Studies 83Case 2.1 Pain: Cancer in the Home 87
Constance DahlinCase 2.2 Treating an Acute, Severe, Cancer Pain Exacerbation 98
Patrick J. Coyne

Case 2.3 Pain and Advanced Heart Failure 104
Margaret L. Campbell

Case 2.4 Dyspnea and Advanced COPD 110
Margaret L. Campbell

Case 2.5 Dyspnea and Heart Failure 117
Garrett K. Chan

Case 2.6 Treating Dyspnea during Ventilator Withdrawal 128
Margaret L. Campbell

Case 2.7 Cough Associated with COPD and Lung Cancer 138
Peg Nelson

Case 2.8 Hiccups and Advanced Illness 145
Marian Grant

Case 2.9 Treating Nausea Associated with Advanced Cancer 152
Judy C. Wheeler

Case 2.10 Nausea Associated with Bowel Obstruction 161
Terri L. Maxwell

Case 2.11 Nausea Related to Uremia, Dialysis Cessation 168
Linda M. Gorman

Case 2.12 Opioid-Induced Pruritus 176
Richelle Nugent Hooper

Case 2.13 Pruritus in End-Stage Renal Disease 183
Linda M. Gorman

Case 2.14 Opioid-Induced Constipation 190
Grace Cullen Oligario

Case 2.15 Depression in Advanced Disease 198
Todd Hultman

Case 2.16 Treating Anxiety 205
Darrell Owens

Case 2.17 Terminal Secretions 213
Terri L. Maxwell

Case 2.18 Fungating Wounds and the Palliative Care Patient 220
Laura C. Harmon

Case 2.19 Pressure Ulcer Care in Palliative Care 229
Laura C. Harmon

Case 2.20 Treating Ascites 239
Darrell Owens

Case 2.21 Delirium Management in Palliative Care 247
Kerstin McSteen

Section 3 Family Care Case Studies 257

Case 3.1 Caring for the Family Expecting a Loss 259
Patricia A. Murphy and David M. Price

Case 3.2 Anticipatory Grief and the Dysfunctional Family 266
Rita J. DiBiase

Case 3.3 Acute and Uncomplicated Grief after an Expected Death 277
Rita J. DiBiase

Case 3.4 Bereavement after Unexpected Death 289
Garrett K. Chan

Case 3.5 Complicated Grief 300
Rita J. DiBiase

Index 309

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