Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats: Rehabilitation and Pain Management With DVD


Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats: Rehabilitation and Pain Management With DVD

Essential Facts Of Physiotherapy In Dogs And Cats: Rehabilitation And Pain Management Pdf Book With Dvd

By Barbara Brockstahler, David Levine and Darryl Mills

Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats: Rehabilitation and Pain Management PDF Book With DVD. Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats –Rehabilitation and Pain Management is a practical reference guide that covers all topics relevant to physiotherapy including goals of physiotherapy, physiology & pathology, pain, physiotherapeutic examination, methods of physiotherapy, and indications including frequent orthopedic and neurological problems and their physiotherapeutic management. Detailed treatment plans with technique, procedure and frequency are laid out in point form for all indications. This guide is ideal for practitioners, technicians and students. Also included is a 45 minute tutorial training video on DVD ,which explains in detail and slow motion every exercise and technique described in the book (physiotherapeutic examination, massage, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), underwater treadmill).

Table of Contents
Introduction to small animal physiotherapy
Basic concepts of physical therapy
Pathophysiology of pain
Examination of the physical therapy patient
Physiotherapy: what and how
Indications, classifications according to location
Economic aspects of physical therapy

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