Canine Cancer: Why It Is Rampant, How to Prevent It, and an Exciting New Strategy for Treating Dogs With Cancer


Canine Cancer: Why It Is Rampant, How To Prevent It, And An Exciting New Strategy For Treating Dogs With Cancer Pdf

By Jonathan Nyce

Canine Cancer: Why It Is Rampant, How to Prevent It, and an Exciting New Strategy for Treating Dogs With Cancer PDF. Cancer is wildly out of control in our dogs. The author, a veteran cancer research scientist with more than 40 years of experience, and whose research has been funded by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has discovered the cause of the extreme rates of cancer in the canine population. In this remarkable book, he shows how dogs developed a species-specific โ€œkill switchโ€ tumor suppression mechanism that closely parallels the human-specific โ€œkill switchโ€ tumor suppression mechanism, and how this parallel evolution enabled the bond and collaboration between humans and dogs to develop. He also shows how this tumor suppression mechanism in modern dogs has become inoperable, and how it can be regenerated to both prevent canine cancer, and to treat cancer in dogs by re-activation of the kill switch. A must read for anyone who loves a dog.

Table of Contents

1. The Canine Cancer Epidemic
2. The origin of our dogs
3. Rex the Wonder Dog
4. The lex naturalis
5. Using the lex naturalis to Prevent Cancer in Your Dog
6. Chemo for your dog?
7. The Kill Switch is a Rational Alternative to Chemo
8. Where we are with FDA
9. Our solution to the spiraling cost of cancer drugs
10. Epilogue
About the Author

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