Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants


Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants

Biology, Medicine, And Surgery Of Elephants Pdf

By Murray Fowler and Susan K. Mikota

Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants PDF. Elephants are possibly the most well-known members of the animal kingdom. The enormous size, unusual anatomy, and longevity of elephants have fascinated humans for millenia. Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants serves as a comprehensive text on elephant medicine and surgery. Based on the expertise of 36 scientists and clinical veterinarians, this volume covers biology, husbandry, veterinary medicine and surgery of the elephant as known today.

  • Written by the foremost experts in the field
  • Comprehensively covers both Asian and African elephants
  • Complete with taxonomy, behavioral, geographical and systemic information
  • Well-illustrated and organized for easy reference

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Table of Contents





1. Taxonomy, Classification, History, and Evolution of Elephants (Jeheskel Shoshani).

2. Elephants in Captivity (Blair Csuti).

3. Laws and Legislation (Denise M. Safranko).

4. Behavior and Social Life (Bruce A. Schulte).

5. Husbandry (John Lehnhardt).

6. Nutrition (Ellen S. Dierenfeld).

7. Preventive Health Care and Physical Examination (Susan K. Mikota).

8. Physical Restraint and Handling (Murray E. Fowler).

9. Chemical Restraint and Anesthesia.

Section I: Chemical restraint ((Murray E. Fowler and Susan K. Mikota).

Section II: General anesthesia (Eugene P. Steffey).

10. Surgery and Surgical Conditions (Murray E. Fowler).

11. Infectious Diseases (Murray E. Fowler).

12. Parasitology (Murray E. Fowler).

13. Diagnostics (Antemortem).

Section I: General Techniques (Susan K. Mikota).

Section II: Radiology.

14. Diagnostics (Postmortem) (Richard J. Montali).

15. Therapeutics (Susan K. Mikota).

16. Neonatal Care and Hand-Rearing (Karen Emanuelson).

17. Multi-Systemic Disorders (Murray E. Fowler).

18. Integument System (Susan K. Mikota).

19. Musculoskeletal System (Gary West).

20. Foot Disorders (Murray E. Fowler).

21. Respiratory System (Ramiro Isaza).

22. Digestive System (Genevieve A. Dumonceaux).

23. Endocrine and Immune Systems (Linda J. Lowenstine).

24. Cardiovascular System (Susan Bartlett).

25. Hemolymphatic System (Susan K. Mikota).

26. Reproductive System (Dennis Schmitt).

27. Reproductive and Diagnostic Ultrasonography (Thomas B. Hilderbrandt).

28. Reproductive Endocrinology (Janine L. Brown).

29. Urinary System (R. Eric Miller).

30. Nervous System (Michele Miller).

31. Special Senses (Wm. Kirk Suedmeyer).

32. Chemical, Tactile, and Taste Sensory Systems (L.E.L Rasmussen).

33. Toxicology (Murray E. Fowler).

34. Zoonoses and Human Injury (Joel Maslow).

35. Veterinary Problems of Geographical Concern.

Introduction (Susan K. Mikota and Murray E. Fowler).

Section I: Africa (Jacob G. du Toit).

Section II: India (Jacob V. Cheeran and K. Chandrasekharan).

Section III: Indochina and Bangladesh (Paolo Martelli).

Section IV: Indonesia (Yudha Fahrimal and Retno Sudarwati).

Section V: Malaysia (Vellayan Subramanian).

Section VI: Myanmar (Khyne U Mar).

Section VII: Nepal (Sunder Shrestha and Kamal P. Gairhe).

Section VIII: Sri Lanka (Indira Silva and Ashoka Dangolla).

36. Conservation (Simon Hedges).


Appendix 1. Abbreviations used in this book.

Appendix 2. Measurement conversion tables.

Appendix 3. Sources for agents used in sedating, tranquilizing, immobilizing, and anesthetizing elephants.

Appendix 4. Toxicology terms, abbreviations, equivalents.

Appendix 5. Elephant vital signs and physiological parameters.

Appendix 6. Glossary of terms associated with elephant feet.

Appendix 7. Weight conversion chart for Asian elephants.

Appendix 8. Conversion between conventional and SI units hematology.

Appendix 9. Conversion between conventional and SI units blood and.

fluid chemistry.

Appendix 10. Standards for elephant management and care (AZA).

Appendix 11. Standard guidelines for elephant management (EMA).

Appendix 12. Guidelines for comprehensive elephant health monitoring program (AZA/SSP).

Appendix 13. Quarantine guidelines for elephants (AZA/SSP).

Appendix 14. Recommended elephant pre-shipment guidelines (AZA/SSP).

Appendix 15. Transport guidelines for elephants (AZA/SSP).


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