Atlas of Diagnostic Pathology in Nonhuman Primates


Atlas Of Diagnostic Pathology In Nonhuman Primates Pdf

By Ivanela Kondova โ€“ Perseng, Keith G. Mansfield and Andrew D. Miller

Theย Atlas of Diagnostic Pathology in Nonhuman Primates PDF offers the first extensively illustrated collection of classic lesions in nonhuman primate diseases and pathological conditions, compiled by an international team of expert contributors.ย Organized by infectious and noninfectious conditions, the atlas comprehensively covers viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic diseases, as well as nutritional, toxic, and metabolic causes, and genetic, age-related, neoplastic, and noninfectious inflammatory conditions.ย Sinceย nonhuman primates are an indispensable resource for efficacy and safety evaluation of novel therapeutic strategies targeting clinically important human diseases, research with monkeys is critical to understand how to prevent and treat emerging infectious diseases such as Zika virus disease, Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2/coronavirus, pandemic flu, and many more.ย This book is intended to serve veterinary practitioners in university facilities, zoos, biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies, as well as clinicians, researchers, and students engaged in nonhuman primate research.

Table of Contents
  1. Viral Diseases in Nonhuman Primates
  2. Bacterial Diseases in Nonhuman Primates
  3. Parasitic and Fungal Infections in Nonhuman Primates
  4. Nutritional, Metabolic, and Toxic Disorders of Nonhuman Primates
  5. Congenital Disorders of Nonhuman Primates
  6. Age-Related Pathology in Nonhuman Primates
  7. Other Noninfectious Conditions in Nonhuman Primates
  8. Nonhuman Primate Neoplasia
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