Animal Camouflage Mechanisms and Function


Animal Camouflage Mechanisms and Function

Animal Camouflage Mechanisms And Function Pdf

By Martin Stevens and Sami Merilaita

Animal Camouflage Mechanisms and Function PDF. In the last decade, research on the previously dormant field of camouflage has advanced rapidly, with numerous studies challenging traditional concepts, investigating previously untested theories and incorporating a greater appreciation of the visual and cognitive systems of the observer. Using studies of both real animals and artificial systems, this book synthesises the current state of play in camouflage research and understanding. It introduces the different types of camouflage and how they work, including background matching, disruptive coloration and obliterative shading. It also demonstrates the methodologies used to study them and discusses how camouflage relates to other subjects, particularly with regard to what it can tell us about visual perception. The mixture of primary research and reviews shows students and researchers where the field currently stands and where exciting and important problems remain to be solved, illustrating how the study of camouflage is likely to progress in the future.

  • Synthesises the current state of play in camouflage research and understanding, providing a valuable resource for students and researchers
  • Multidisciplinary approach reflects the broad scope of the field, with contributors ranging from behavioural ecologists, to computer scientists, to art historians
  • Coverage of cutting-edge research gives an insight into the hot topics in this rapidly advancing field

Read more: Behavioral Biology of Laboratory Animals

Table of Contents

1. Animal camouflage: an introduction

2. Crypsis through background matching

3. The concealment of body parts through coincident disruptive coloration Innes

4. The history, theory and evidence for a cryptic function of countershading Hannah

5. Camouflage breaking mathematical operator and countershading

6. Revisiting Abbott H. Thayer: non-scientific reflections about camouflage in art, war and zoology

7. Camouflage behaviour and body orientation on backgrounds containing directional patterns

8. Camouflage and visual perception

9. Rapid adaptive camouflage in cephalopods

10. What can camouflage tell us about non-human visual perception? A case study of multiple cue use in the cuttlefish

11. Camouflage in marine fish

12. Camouflage in decorator crabs: integrating ecological, behavioural and evolutionary approaches

13. Camouflage in colour changing animals: trade-offs and constraints

14. The multiple disguises of spiders Marc Thรฉry, Teresita

15. Effects of animal camouflage on the evolution of live backgrounds

16. The functions of black and white colouration in mammals: review and synthesis

17. Evidence for camouflage involving senses other than vision


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