Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology


Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology

Advanced Techniques In Diagnostic Cellular Pathology By Mary Hannon-Fletcher And Perry Maxwell

By Mary Hannon-Fletcher and Perry Maxwell

Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology PDF. In recent years cellular pathology has become more closely involved in the direct management of patients with the introduction of molecular technologies and targeted therapies. Advanced Techniques in Diagnostic Cellular Pathology introduces students and professionals to these concepts and the key technologies that are influencing clinical practice today.Each chapter is carefully structured to introduce the very latest techniques and describe their clinical purpose, principle, method and application in cellular pathology. The advantages of various methods for preparing, observing and demonstrating cells and tissues employed to assist in diagnosis are explored, in addition to the use of quantitative methods in the detection and diagnosis of disease. Supplementary web-based material including annotated virtual microscope slides is available with the book. This is provided courtesy of i-Path Diagnostics Ltd and can be accessed online from their website

  • Describes the very latest, emerging and established molecular aspects of diagnostic pathology.
  • A clear, focused approach with each chapter containing a summary, a review of basic principles and clinical applications.
  • Includes web-based annotated virtual microscope slides.
  • Contributions from experienced practitioners contain numerous real-world examples illustrating the use of different diagnostic techniques, and their clinical relevance

Written by a team of experienced practitioners this book will prove invaluable both to postgraduate biomedical science students who are training to be cellular pathologists and to professionals working in diagnostic and research laboratories as part of their continuing professional development.

Read more: AFIP Advanced Laboratory Methods in Histology and Pathology

Table of Contents

List of Contributors vii

Preface ix

List of Tables xi

List of Figures xiii

Supplementary Materials xvii

1 Virtual Microscopy 1
Jim Diamond and David McCleary

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Digital (virtual) microscopy: equipment for implementation 2

1.3 The virtual slide format 11

1.4 Image serving and viewing 13

1.5 Applications of virtual microscopy 14

1.6 Virtual microscopy in education 23

1.7 Computational aspects of virtual microscopy 30

1.8 Conclusions 35

2 Cytopathology 37
Mary Hannon-Fletcher

2.1 Introduction 37

2.2 Basic principles 38

2.3 Cytodiagnosis 44

2.4 Gynaecological cytopathology 49

2.5 Conclusions 64

3 Flow Cytometry 69
Ian Dimmick

3.1 Introduction 69

3.2 Sample preparation 72

3.3 Principles of the flow cytometer 73

3.4 Clinical applications 83

3.5 The future for flow cytometry 95

3.6 Conclusions 97

4 Immunocytochemistry 99
Perry Maxwell and Merdol Ibrahim

4.1 Introduction 99

4.2 Basic principles 100

4.3 Clinical immunocytochemistry 110

4.4 Conclusions 130

5 Microarray-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization 135
David S.P. Tan, Rachael Natrajan and Jorge S. Reis-Filho

5.1 Introduction 135

5.2 Principles of array CGH 138

5.3 aCGH platforms 140

5.4 Choosing the right platform 144

5.5 Analysis and validation 146

5.6 Finding the target 147

5.7 Data integration 152

5.8 Clinical applications 152

5.9 Conclusions 153

6 Tissue In Situ Hybridization 163
Anthony O’ Grady, John O’ Loughlin and Hilary Magee

6.1 Introduction 163

6.2 ISH probes 164

6.3 Probe labels 166

6.4 ISH detection systems 168

6.5 Tissue preparation and the ISH procedure 168

6.6 Signal amplification 170

6.7 ISH controls 171

6.8 Clinical applications of tissue ISH 172

6.9 ISH automation 179

6.10 Image capture and analysis 180

6.11 Recent developments and future directions in tissue ISH 181

6.12 Conclusions 183

Index 189

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