Alternative and Herbal Livestock Health Sourcebook


Alternative And Herbal Livestock Health Sourcebook Pdf

By Thomas Morris and Michael Keilty

Alternative and Herbal Livestock Health Sourcebook PDF is meant as a practical guide for extension educators, USDA Natural Resources Conservation personnel, veterinarians, livestock producers and others interested in alternative health care for livestock. We complied this sourcebook because of concerns regarding food safety, particularly antibiotics and chemical residues in meat and milk, have stimulated renewed interest in alternative methods of maintaining livestock health. Extension personnel, like us, often are asked to provide information about alternative health care for livestock or to provide sources of information for the public. This interest in alternative practices for livestock parallels the resurgent interest in alternative medical practices in the human health professionals. An example is the National Institute of Healthโ€™s establishment of a National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Unfortunately, a compilation of alternatives to antibiotic/chemical use for livestock is not available. The lack of a compilation of alternative practices for livestock seriously limits communication among person interested in alternative practices for livestock.

Table of Contents
  1. Biochemistry of the Amazonian Medicinal Plant Catโ€™s Claw: Discusses its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Current Research on Medicinal Plants to Control Parasite Infections in Livestock: Focuses on the use of plants for controlling both endo- and ecto-parasites in livestock.
  3. Herbs and Alternatives in Equine Practice: Covers the use of herbal medicine in equine health.
  4. Toxic Plants and Livestock Health: Examines how toxic plants affect livestock health and management.
  5. Homeopathy โ€“ Health from the Ground Up: Explores the role of homeopathy in improving animal health.
  6. International Trade, Beef Production, and Food Safety: Reviews lessons learned in beef production and food safety over the 20th century.
  7. The Antisecretory, Analgesic, and Gastrointestinal Healing Properties of Sangre De Grado: Investigates the mechanisms behind Sangre De Gradoโ€™s healing properties.
  8. Traditional Oriental Medicine in Livestock Health: Looks into the use of Oriental medicine in veterinary practice.
  9. Alternative Medicine for Animals: Discusses the FDA regulations on dietary supplements for animals.
  10. Certified Organic Livestock Production in Connecticut: Explores organic livestock production practices in Connecticut.
  11. Botanicals for Pigs: Focuses on the use of botanicals in pig farming.
  12. Mastitis Control: Discusses the use of homeopathic treatments for mastitis and calf scours.
  13. Alternative Methods of Disease Prevention in Herd Situations: Covers alternative methods for disease prevention in livestock.
  14. AVMA Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine: Examines the AVMAโ€™s stance on complementary and alternative medicine in veterinary care.
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