Pholcodine In Dogs & Cats: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
- A derivative of codeine that acts as an antitussive and has mild sedating but no analgesic properties.
- It depresses the cough reflex by acting on the cough centre in the CNS.
- It has a lower potential than codeine for inducing dependence.
Uses of Pholcodine
- Cough suppression is where the cause of the cough cannot be removed and the coughing is becoming detrimental to the animal’s health (e.g. in chronic bronchitis, tracheal or mainstem bronchial collapse).
- It is ineffective in respiratory tract infections in humans and unlikely to be effective in kennel cough in dogs.
- In humans, it is effective in reducing the cough associated with lung tumours.
Dose of Pholcodine in Dogs and Cats
- 0.1–0.2 mg/kg up to 4 times daily (anecdotal).
- No information is available.
Drug Dosage Calculator
You Should Give:
Side Effects of Pholcodine in Dogs and Cats
- Sedation.
- Constipation (although less than codeine).
- Has been associated with anaphylaxis in humans.
Contraindications of Pholcodine in Dogs and Cats
- Respiratory depression
- Raised intracranial pressure.
Some Notes:
- Likely to interact with other opiates (including tramadol).
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