Hydrocortisone Aceponate: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
- Hydrocortisone aceponate is a pro-drug that is biotransformed to its active form hydrocortisone 17-propionate in the epidermis.
Uses of Hydrocortisone aceponate
- Treatment of inflammatory and pruritic dermatoses.
- management of acute otitis externa and acute exacerbations of recurrent otitis
externa associated with bacteria and Malassezia.
Dose of Hydrocortisone aceponate in Dogs and Cats
- Cortavance: 2 pumps of spray per 10 cm × 10 cm square of skin for 7 days.
- This delivers 1.52 μg (micrograms) of hydrocortisone aceponate per cm2.
- Easotic: 1 pump (1 ml) per ear q24h for 5 days.
- The dose is not established.
Drug Dosage Calculator
You Should Give:
Side Effects of Hydrocortisone aceponate in Dogs and Cats
- May result in epidermal atrophy.
- The otic preparation may result in aural erythema and rarely transient hearing loss in geriatric dogs.
Contraindications of Hydrocortisone aceponate in Dogs and Cats
- Do not use on ulcerated skin (Cortavance).
- Do not use if the ear drum is perforated (Easotic).
Some Notes:
- Minimizes systemic side effects (such as increases in liver enzyme activities, depression of cortisol response to ACTH stimulation).
- Microbial infections should be treated appropriately prior to use.
- Patients should be monitored appropriately during long-term use.
- Use with caution in dogs <7 months old as glucocorticoids are known to slow growth.
- The total body surface treated should not exceed a surface corresponding for example to a treatment of two flanks from the spine to the mammary chains including the shoulders and the thighs.
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