Aminophylline: Uses, Dosage and Side Effects
Theophylline (q.v.) and ethylenediamine are combined to form aminophylline, a stable substance that causes the phosphodiesterase enzyme to be inhibited, intracellular calcium to be altered, catecholamine to be released, and the antagonism of adenosine and prostaglandin to cause bronchodilation and other effects. a spasmolytic and a mild diuretic effect.
Uses of Aminophylline
- It is used in the treatment of small airway diseases (chronic cough caused by tracheitis and bronchitis).
- Beneficial effects include bronchodilation, enhanced mucociliary clearance, stimulation of the respiratory center, increased sensitivity to PCO2, increased diaphragmatic contractility, stabilization of mast cells, and a mild inotropic effect.
Dose of Aminophylline in Dogs and Cats
Bronchodilator: 10 mg/kg p.o. q 8h or slowly i.v (diluted and given as an infusion) in emergencies
Bronchodilator: 5 mg/kg p.o. q12h or 2–5 mg/kg slowly i.v (diluted and given as an infusion) in emergencies
Drug Dosage Calculator
You Should Give:
Side Effects of Aminophylline in Dogs and Cats
- Vomiting, diarrhea, polydipsia, polyuria, reduced appetite, tachycardia, arrhythmias, nausea, twitching, restlessness, agitation, excitement, and convulsions.
- Hyperaesthesia is seen in cats.
Contraindications of Aminophylline in Dogs and Cats
It’s contraindicated to give it to patients with a history of epileptiform seizures and can be administered carefully in animals with severe cardiac disease, seizure disorders, gastric ulcers, hyperthyroidism, renal or hepatic disease, severe hypoxia, or severe hypertension
Some Notes:
- Agents that may increase the serum levels of aminophylline include cimetidine, diltiazem, erythromycin, fluoroquinolones and allopurinol.
- Albendazole, phenobarbital, ketoconazole, rifampin, and sympathomimetics may decrease the serum concentration of aminophylline.
- Aminophylline and beta-adrenergic blockers (e.g. propranolol) may antagonize each other’s effects.
- Aminophylline administration with halothane may cause an increased incidence of cardiac dysrhythmias and with ketamine an increased incidence of seizures.
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