Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction, Book 1-4


Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction, Book 1-4

Ultrasonic Imaging And Animal Reproduction

Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Fundamentals – Book 1

This is the first in the series of books by O.J. Ginther on animal reproductive ultrasonography. Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Fundamentals covers the fundamentals of reproductive ultrsonography in many animal species, including principles, equipment, image interpretation, and techniques of ultrasonic imaging of the reproductive tracts of animals. In addition, a chapter on research considerations is included . . .



Ultrasonic Imaging And Animal Reproduction Horses Book 2

Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Horses – Book 2

Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Horses considers ultrasonic imaging techniques that are specific to mares and stallions. For mares, content covers the ultrasonic aspects of each of the following individual organs or structures: ovaries, follicles, corpus lutem, uterus, singleton embryo, and fetus. In addition, the book covers embryo-uterine interactions, embryonic loss, development of twins, and management of twins. For stallions, the internal reproductive organs and the testes and associated structures are covered.


Ultrasonic Imaging And Animal Reproduction Cattle Book 3

Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Cattle – Book 3

This is the third in the series of books by O.J. Ginther on animal reproductive ultrasonography. Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Cattle reviews and discusses transrectal ultrasonic imaging in heifers and cows and transrectal and transcutaneous imaging in bulls.




Ultrasonic Imaging And Animal Reproduction Color Doppler Ultrasonography Book 4

Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Color-Doppler Ultrasonography – Book 4

This is the fourth in the series of books by O.J. Ginther on animal reproductive ultrasonography. Ultrasonic Imaging and Animal Reproduction: Color-Doppler Ultrasonography covers color-Doppler ultrasonography of horse and cattle reproduction for researchers and diagnosticians.



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