Tag: Infectious Diseases
Greene’s Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat 5th Edition [Updated]
By Jane Sykes
Greene's Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition PDF provides a comprehensive, clinically useful reference on the management of infectious...
Bacterial Skin Infections in Small Animals
Bacterial Skin Infections in Small Animals
By Alberto Martin Cordero
Bacterial Skin Infections in Small Animals describes the most common bacterial skin infections affecting cats and...
Infectious Diseases of the Horse: Diagnosis, Pathology, Management, and Public Health, 2nd Edition
Infectious Diseases of the Horse: Diagnosis, Pathology, Management, and Public Health, 2nd Edition
By J.H. van der Kolk and E.J.B. Veldhuis Kroeze
A clinician and a...
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color Handbook
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color Handbook
By J Scott Weese and Michelle Evason
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color...
Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation
Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation
By Johannes Foufopoulos, Gary A. Wobeser and Hamish McCallum
Infectious Disease Ecology and Conservation PDF. Emerging infectious diseases pose an increasingly...
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters 2nd Edition
By Lila Miller , Stephanie Janeczko , Kate F. Hurley
Infectious Disease Management in Animal Shelters 2nd Edition PDF. Since the publication of the first...
Equine Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition
Equine Infectious Diseases 2nd Edition
By Debra Sellon, Maureen T. Long
Equine Infectious Diseases PDF covers the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious disease in horses....
Infectious Disease Ecology of Wild Birds-Oxford University Press
Infectious Disease Ecology of Wild Birds-Oxford University Press
By Jennifer C. Owen, Dana M. Hawley and Kathryn P. Huyvaert
Infectious Disease Ecology of Wild Birds-Oxford University...
Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text
Infectious Diseases and Pathology of Reptiles: Color Atlas and Text
By Michael M. Garner and Elliott R. Jacobson
Far from the line drawings and black-and-white photos...
Zoonoses, Infectious Diseases Transmissible Between Animals and Humans, 4th Edition
Zoonoses, Infectious Diseases Transmissible Between Animals and Humans, 4th Edition
By Rolf Bauerfeind, Alexander Von Graevenitz, Peter Kimmig, Hans Gerd Schiefer, Tino Schwarz, Werner Slenczka...