Small Animal Clinical Techniques 3rd Edition


Small Animal Clinical Techniques 3rd Edition

Small Animal Clinical Techniques 3Rd Edition Pdf

By Susan Taylor

Small Animal Clinical Techniques 3rd Edition PDF. Learn how to confidently care for small animal patients with Taylor’s Small Animal Clinical Techniques, 3rd Edition. Filled with more than 60 of the most common procedures performed by veterinary technicians and assistants, this highly visual guide helps you easily master the diagnostic and therapeutic clinical techniques that are essential to small animal practice. Each procedure uses clear step-by-step instructions to walk you through the purpose, indications, contraindications and concerns, complications, special anatomy, equipment, restraint, and procedure techniques. This new edition also features a new chapter on physical examination, all-new physical examination procedure videos, and updated images throughout the text. And as with previous editions, Taylor’s companion online learning modules will further hone your ability to logically think through procedures and properly perform skills.

  • Coverage of the most common procedures performed by veterinary technicians and assistants are covered in a clear, concise, and highly visual way.
  • Consistent approach includes step-by-step instructions, principles, and photographs for all procedures to show you how to think through the procedures in a logical manner and perform the skills well.
  • Case studies help ground you in your understanding and reinforce clinical experience.
  • Narrated videos located on the Evolve companion website provide visual, real-time demonstrations of clinical techniques and are a perfect review tool.
  • NEW! New chapter on physical examination incorporates a comprehensive step-by-step photo essay to help you easily understand how to perform common techniques.
  • NEW! Physical examination procedure videos on the Evolve companion website help you put techniques into practice.
  • NEW! Updated images throughout the text are paired with procedures to better illustrate step-by-step technique instructions.
Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page

Table of Contents




1.  Physical examination

PROCEDURE 1-1 Physical examination

2.  Venous blood collection

PROCEDURE 2-1 Jugular venipuncture

PROCEDURE 2-2 Jugular venipuncture, inverted technique

PROCEDURE 2-3 Cephalic venipuncture

PROCEDURE 2-4 Lateral saphenous venipuncture

PROCEDURE 2-5 Medial saphenous venipuncture

PROCEDURE 2-6 Marginal ear vein blood collection

3.  Arterial blood collection

PROCEDURE 3-1 Arterial blood collection from the femoral artery

PROCEDURE 3-2 Arterial blood collection from the dorsal pedal artery

PROCEDURE 3-3 Interpretation of arterial blood gas results

4.  Injection techniques

PROCEDURE 4-1 Intravenous injections

PROCEDURE 4-2 Intramuscular injections

PROCEDURE 4-3 Subcutaneous injections

5.  Vascular access techniques

PROCEDURE 5-1 Peripheral venous catheter placement in the cephalic vein

PROCEDURE 5-2 Central venous catheter placement in the jugular vein

PROCEDURE 5-3 Intraosseous catheterization

6.  Dermatologic techniques

PROCEDURE 6-1 Skin scraping

PROCEDURE 6-2 Cellophane tape method

PROCEDURE 6-3 Vacuuming

PROCEDURE 6-4 Bacterial culture of skin pustule

PROCEDURE 6-5 Fine-needle collection of cells for cytological evaluation

PROCEDURE 6-6 Skin biopsy

PROCEDURE 6-7 Wood’s lamp examination

PROCEDURE 6-8 Clipping nails

7.  Ear examination

PROCEDURE 7-1 Ear examination

8.  Ocular techniques

PROCEDURE 8-1 Schirmer tear test

PROCEDURE 8-2 Conjunctival culture

PROCEDURE 8-3 Fluorescein staining

PROCEDURE 8-4 Flushing the nasolacrimal ducts

PROCEDURE 8-5 Applying topical medications in the eye

PROCEDURE 8-6 Conjunctival scrapings

9.  Respiratory system techniques

PROCEDURE 9-1 Respiratory examination and auscultation

PROCEDURE 9-2 Internal nasal examination

PROCEDURE 9-3 Pharyngeal examination

PROCEDURE 9-4 Laryngeal examination

PROCEDURE 9-5 Transtracheal wash: Small and large dogs

PROCEDURE 9-6 Small dog transtracheal wash

PROCEDURE 9-7 Large dog transtracheal wash

PROCEDURE 9-8 Endotracheal wash

PROCEDURE 9-9 Bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage

PROCEDURE 9-10 Transthoracic lung aspiration

PROCEDURE 9-11 Thoracentesis

PROCEDURE 9-12 Chest tube placement

10.  Cardiac techniques

PROCEDURE 10-1 Cardiac examination and auscultation

PROCEDURE 10-2 Electrocardiography

PROCEDURE 10-3 Pericardiocentesis

11.  Gastrointestinal system techniques

PROCEDURE 11-1 Oral examination

PROCEDURE 11-2 Orogastric intubation (passing a stomach tube)

PROCEDURE 11-3 Stomach tubing neonates

PROCEDURE 11-4 Nasogastric/nasoesophageal intubation

PROCEDURE 11-5 Esophageal feeding tube placement in cats

PROCEDURE 11-6 Anal sac palpation and expression

PROCEDURE 11-7 Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the liver

PROCEDURE 11-8 Abdominocentesis

PROCEDURE 11-9 Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

12.  Urinary system techniques

PROCEDURE 12-1 Urine collection by cystocentesis

PROCEDURE 12-2 Urinary catheterization: Male cat

PROCEDURE 12-3 Urinary catheterization: Male dog

PROCEDURE 12-4 Urinary catheterization: Female dog

PROCEDURE 12-5 Prostatic wash

13.  Vaginal cytology

PROCEDURE 13-1 Obtaining vaginal samples

14.  Bone marrow collection

PROCEDURE 14-1 Bone marrow aspiration

PROCEDURE  14-2 Bone marrow core

15.  Arthrocentesis

PROCEDURE 15-1 Arthrocentesis

16.  Neurologic examination

PROCEDURE 16-1 Neurologic examination

17.  Cerebrospinal fluid collection

PROCEDURE 17-1 Cerebrospinal fluid collection

18.  Tests to assess clotting

PROCEDURE 18-1 Buccal mucosal bleeding time

PROCEDURE 18-2 Activated clotting time


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