Problem-Based Feline Medicine


Problem-Based Feline Medicine

Problem-Based Feline Medicine Book

By Jacquie Rand

Problem-Based Feline Medicine PDF covers all medical conditions that affect cats. Using a unique problem-based approach, it provides essential information for assessing presenting symptoms, reaching a differential diagnosis, and selecting the appropriate course of treatment for feline patients. A consistent format makes it easy to find information related to key signs and possible causative factors (graded to indicate how common each is), diagnosis, differential diagnosis (including tests where appropriate), treatment, prognosis, and prevention (where applicable) for each clinical condition.

  • Concise, logical format makes this resource ideal for quick reference in the clinical setting.
  • Covers every condition likely to be encountered in cats worldwide.
  • Features a strong international contributor list of feline experts from North America, UK, Europe, and Australia
  • A comprehensive drug formulary lists all drug treatments available for cats.
  • A separate chapter on drugs in cats lists the problems veterinarians might encounter due to differences in feline metabolism.
  • Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – How to make a problem-based diagnosis
Part 1: Cat with upper respiratory tract signs
Part 2: Cat with lower respiratory tract or cardiac signs
Part 3: Cat with signs of heart disease
Part 4: Cat with urinary tract signs
Part 5: Cat with acute illness
Part 6: Cat with weight loss or chronic illness
Part 7: Sick cat with specific signs
Part 8: Cat with abnormal laboratory data
Part 9: Cat with signs of gastrointestinal tract disease
Part 10: Cat with signs of neurological disease
Part 11: Cat with an abnormal gait
Part 12: Cat with behavioral problems
Part 13: Cat with skin problems
Part 14: Queen and kitten with problems
Part 15: Cat with eye problems
Part 16: Drugs

Drug index


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