Manual of Veterinary Dietetics


Manual of Veterinary Dietetics

Manual Of Veterinary Dietetics

By C. A. Tony Buffington, Cheryl Holloway, and Sarah K. Abood

Manual of Veterinary Dietetics PDF is a comprehensive guide to diet and feeding recommendations for both healthy and sick pets. Recommendations are based on actual physical and nutritional assessment of patients and are designed to meet the wishes of concerned owners and the practical realities of the home environment. Nutritional management solutions address the particular health needs of patients, giving consideration to such issues as life stages, diet acceptance, medical response, and long-term benefit. The ultimate goal is to promote and sustain the nutritional health of pets in a manner that actively involves the owner and enhances the quality of the human-pet relationship.

  • Comprehensive coverage encompasses a number of pet species, with special attention paid to dogs and cats and helpful references for common exotic pets
  • Easy-to-read format and style make this text useful for both pet owners at home and professionals in the clinical setting
  • Helpful chapters address questions concerning attributes and efficacy of various commercial foods, assess the validity of advertising claims, and suggest recipes for homemade foods when they are indicated
  • Thorough consideration of the most current information on nutrient-sensitive diseases and interventional approaches
  • Numerous tables, figures, charts, and forms thoroughly present relevant and useful information for both medical professionals and pet owners
Table of Contents


Introduction โ€“

ACVN Method Nutritional Assessment

1 History

2 Physical Exam

3 Body Conditioning Scoring

4 Laboratory Evaluation Normal Dogs

5 Gestation and Lactation

6 Growth

7 Adults

8 Athletes

9 Geriatric Dogs Normal Cats

10 Gestation and Lactation

11 Growth

12 Adults

13 Geriatrics

14 Nutrient Needs Specific to Cats Diet Factors

15 Evaluating Commercial Diets Feeding Factors Clinical Dietetics

16 Introduction

17 Nutrient-Related diseases

18 Diet-Induced Diseases Contemporary Issues in Clinical Nutrition

19 Complementary and Alternative Medicine

20 Evaluating Information on the Web

21 Evidence-Based Medicine

22 The Trans-Theoretical Model of Behavior Change Basic Exotic Pet Nutrition Nutrient Sensitive Diseases

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