Equine Behavioral Medicine


Equine Behavioral Medicine

Equine Behavioral Medicine Pdf

By Bonnie Beaver

Equine Behavioral Medicine PDF provides an essential resource for those who work with, study, and provide care to horses. It provides critical knowledge to help users understand the complex aspects of their behavior in order to benefit the animal, observe safe practices, and advance research in this area. The book includes current information on normal horse behavior and problem behaviors, particularly those associated with medical conditions, changes in the nervous system, and the use of drug therapy. Readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the differences of the sensory systems and the concepts of learning that are helpful for successful treatments and safety.

With the use of psychopharmacology becoming increasingly common by veterinarians, including for abnormal behaviors, is important to understand the rationale for the use of these medications. Understanding the intimate relationship between behavior, physiology, and health is key to practitioners, students, professionals, and others who work with, or care for, horses.

  • Pulls together the current published science on equine behavior into chapters covering a variety of specific behavioral topics
  • Features discussion based on an extensive review of the literature
  • Includes a thorough reference list in each chapter for those who might be interested in further research
Table of Contents

1. The History of Horses and Their Relationship to Humans
2. Equine Behavior of Sensory and Neural Origin
3. Learning
4. Equine Communicative Behavior
5. Equine Social Behavior
6. Equine Reproductive Behavior
7. Equine Maintenance Behaviors
8. Equine Locomotive Behavior
9. Equine Behavioral Medicine
10. Equine behavior problems
11. Equine Welfare

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