Animal Behavior: New Research Lara H. Krause


Animal Behavior: New Research Lara H. Krause

By Emilie A. Weber and Lara H. Krause

This resource is devoted to recent research on animal behaviour which relates to what an animal does and why it does it. The types of behaviours exhibited are rich and various.

Animal Behavior: New Research PDF Contents:

  1. Chapter 1: Sexual selection, mate choice, and primate preferences.
  2. Chapter 2: Female mate choice in non-human mammals.
  3. Chapter 3: Sexual motivation in male mice and partition test.
  4. Chapter 4: Gaze following in non-human animals, focusing on corvids.
  5. Chapter 5: Host species effects on parasitism patterns and competition in parasitoid flies.
  6. Chapter 6: Acoustic behavior of polar pinnipeds and emerging study techniques.
  7. Chapter 7: Food hoarding in the New Zealand robin โ€“ review and synthesis.
  8. Chapter 8: Strategies to assess olfactory discrimination: discriminative learning, generalization, and masking tests.
  9. Chapter 9: Evolution of mutual ornamentation.
  10. Index
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