Veterinary Clinical Trials from Concept to Completion


Veterinary Clinical Trials from Concept to Completion

Veterinary Clinical Trials From Concept To Completion Pdf

By Nigel Dent, Ramzan Visanji

Veterinary Clinical Trials from Concept to Completion PDF is Conceived and edited by Nigel Dent and Ramzan Visanji, Veterinary Clinical Trials form Concept to Completion is designed for both established practitioners and novices, offering alternative ways of conducting studies and ensuring that the studies are guided by Good Clinical Practices and are in compliance with regulations. Comprehensive in scope, it provides the scientific, biological, and regulatory background invaluable to teachers, researchers, and regulatory affairs staff, as well as those directly involved in clinical trials.

The book covers:

  • Objectives of the clinical study
  • Control of the study
  • Conduct of the study
  • Regulation versus compliance
  • Factors for success
  • International harmonization activities
  • Roles of the investigator, the monitor, and the practicing veterinarian
  • Setting up GCP trials with particular animal species
  • SOPs, the generic protocol, and the study report
  • Contract research farms and multi-site studies
  • Auditing

With contributions from experts in every area of veterinary trials, the text has been organized with everyday use in mind. The chapters can be read sequentially for a comprehensive view or individually for coverage of particular topics and issues as needed. Drawing directly from the in-the-trenches experience of the editors and chapter authors, the book is a guide to methods that ensure studies meet regulatory compliance and strategies that ensure avoidance of common pitfalls.

Table of Contents

1- Introduction and Overview of Setting Up Studies to Good Clinical Practice, N. Dent

2- International Harmonization and the Conduct of Clinical Studies to Support the Approval of New Animal Drugs: The U.S. Perspective, H.M. Schoenemann, III

3- The Role of the Investigator, M. Proven

4- The Role of the Monitor, A.W. Hill

5- Quality Assurance on Veterinary Clinical Trials, R. Muser

6- Setting Up GCP Trials in Fish, J. Stone and A. McLean

5- Setting GCP Trials in Poultry, R.J. Grant

6- Setting Up GCP Trials in Companion Animals, S. Lester

7- Setting Up GCP Trials in Pigs, A.R. Peters

8- Setting Up GCP Trials in Calves, J. Murray

9- Setting Up GCP Trials in Sheep, J. Barley

9- Setting Up GCP Trials in Horses and Ponies, D. Baker

10- Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms and GCP Studies, V. Carn

11- Contract Research Farms and Their Involvement with GCP Studies, B. Drew and H. Biggadike

12- The Practicing Veterinarianโ€™s Role in Clinical Trials, J. Carr

13- Standard Operating Procedures, R. Visanji

14- The Generic Protocol, C. Dent

15- How to Write the Final Study Report, K.L. Ankenbauer-Perkins and A.M. Alexander

16- Data, Statistical Analysis and Reporting for Veterinary Clinical Trials, G. Gettinby

17- Registration Submissions for Veterinary Medicines, G. Cowan

18- Large-Scale Production of Ectoparasites for Use in Veterinary Trials, M. Murphy, L. Moran, S. Conroy, and C. Caulfield

19- Auditing GCP Trials, Z. Carr

20- Multisite Studies, L. Whitfield

21- Appendices
22- Index

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