Udder Health and Communication


Udder Health and Communication

Udder Health And Communication

By H. Hogeveen and T. J. G. M. Lam

Udder Health and Communication PDF. In dairy industries throughout the world there is a desire to optimize udder health. An improved udder health will lead to improved animal welfare, improved production efficiency and a reduction of the use of antibiotics. To improve udder health, first of all, technical knowledge on issues such as treatment, milking, infectious pressure and host resistance is important. However, over the years we learned that knowledge alone is not enough: knowledge has to be used. And for knowledge to be used, farmers have to be motivated. This requires knowledge about motivation and communication.

In this book, recent knowledge on technical udder health issues is combined with knowledge on motivation and communication. A large number of descriptions of mastitis control programs that are being carried out worldwide is combined with more specific studies. These are aimed at effective advising, motivation and communication strategies, economics, and technical studies on mastitis control and prevention. Therefore, this book provides an applied source of information for all that are willing to improve udder health.

Table of Contents


National mastitis control schemes: experiences from implementation of a nationwide scheme in Great Britain

Countdown Downunder: development led innovation in a national mastitis control program

The role of economics in motivating farmers to improve udder health

Effective communication to improve udder health: can social science help?

Udder health programs and campaigns

Effects of health and welfare planning on the use of antibiotics and udder health in European dairy farms

The Danish udder health campaign: our milk – a pure pleasure

‘DEMO project udder health’: a first step towards a better udder health and milk quality in Flanders (Belgium)

Improvement of udder health following implementation of herd health plans in organic dairy farms: results of a pilot study in Germany

The effect of a national control program on mastitis occurrence in the Netherlands

€uroMilk mastitis control programme – a pilot study

CellCheck-a national initiative

Preventive animal health concepts in organic dairy farming: results of an interdisciplinary intervention study on mastitis and metabolic disorders in Germany

Online mastitis survey in Flanders, Belgium: first descriptive results

New approaches in mastitis control

Bulk milk quality: can it be improved by dairy farm audits?

Internet data services from maritime quality milk: tools for tracking milk quality

Systems analysis of high somatic cell counts on dairy farms

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