Patient Assessment, Intervention and Documentation for the Veterinary Technician


Patient Assessment, Intervention and Documentation for the Veterinary Technician

Patient Assessment, Intervention And Documentation For The Veterinary Technician Pdf

By Cynthia Lattanzio, Jody Rockett, and Katie Anderson

Patient Assessment, Intervention and Documentation for the Veterinary Technician PDF Book addresses the methodology used to apply substantive information to real world problems in the education of veterinary technicians. Nursing students in human medicine have long benefited from instruction in the Nursing Process, which is a method for using critical thinking skills to apply theoretical knowledge to actual cases. This text develops a similar methodology for veterinary technicians, called the “Technician Practice Model”. This guide identifies and describes the various steps in the Technician Practice Model and provides both instruction and examples on documenting the results of that process. Particular emphasis is given to developing SOAP notes and Medication Administration/Order Records (MAOR).

Read more: AAEVT’s Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians, 2nd Edition

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