Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals: A Diagnostic Manual
By Johannes Kaufmann
Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals: A Diagnostic Manual PDF. It is a great pleasure for me to introduce this great deal of information from various insti- manual for the diagnosis of parasites of domes- tutes and universities. tic animals. It is a unique publication in many The result is an impressively comprehen- respects. Books concerning parasitic anima I sive, beautifully illustrated and, above all high- diseases โ comprehensive textbooks, but also ly serviceable manual. It is easy to consult. Its field manuals โ abound. These generally deal systematic and colour-coded layout allows the with aetiology, c1inical signs and pathology, as user to steer swiftly and surely through a vast weil as control and treatment. However, while amount of information. Clinical pictures and methods for diagnosis are often mentioned, figures show the parasite stage of diagnostic these are rarely sufficiently practical and spe- interest, facilitating a rapid and accurate diag- cific to allow the person ne I in field laborato- nosis. The book has been designed to be used ries to reach a concise, rapid dia gnosis of the by veterinarians and technicians, by teachers parasite species involved in any particular case. and students โ in fact, by anyone dealing with Parasitic Infections of Domestic Animals suc- the diagnosis of diseases in domestic animals. ceeds in redressing these shortcomings.
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