Improving Rumen Function

Improving Rumen Function PDF Download

By Chris McSweeney and Rod Mackie

Improving Rumen Function PDF. Major advances in analytical techniques and genomics have transformed our understanding of rumen microbiology. This understanding is of critical importance to livestock production since rumen function affects nutritional efficiency, emissions from ruminants (such as methane and nitrous oxide) as well as animal health. This collection reviews what we know about rumen microbiota and the role of nutritional strategies in optimising their function for more sustainable livestock production. Part 1 summarises advances in understanding colonisation by rumen microbiota as well as advanced methods for analysing the rumen microbiome. Part 2 reviews recent research on the role of different types of rumen microbiota such as archea, anaerobic fungi, viruses and the rumen wall microbial community. Part 3 discusses the way the rumen processes nutrients such as fibre and protein as well as outputs such as energy, lipids and methane emissions. Part 4 explores nutritional strategies to optimise rumen function, including the role of pasture, silage, cereal feed, plant secondary compounds and probiotics.

Table of Contents
1. Colonization and establishment of the rumen microbiota
opportunities to influence productivity and methane emissions
Part 1 Tools to understand the ruminal microbiome
2.A question of culture: bringing the gut microbiome to life in the -omics era:
3. Rumen metabolomics a powerful tool for discovery and understanding of rumen functionality and health
4.A conceptual approach to the mathematical modelling of microbial functionality in the rumen
Part 2 The rumen microbiota
5. Genome sequencing and the rumen microbiome
6. The Rumen Archaea
7. Ruminal-ciliated protozoa
8. The anaerobic rumen fungi
9. Ruminal viruses and extrachromosomal genetic elements
10. The rumen wall microbiota community
Part 3 Nutrient processing in the rumen and host interactions
11. Ruminal fibre digestion
12. Ruminal protein breakdown and ammonia assimilation
13. Factors influencing the efficiency of rumen energy metabolism:
14. Understanding rumen lipid metabolism to optimize dairy products for enhanced human health and to monitor animal health
15. Nutritional factors affecting greenhouse gas production from ruminants: implications for enteric and manure emissions
16. Host-rumen microbiome interactions and influences on feed conversion efficiency (FCE), methane production and other productivity traits
17. The rumen as a modulator of immune function in cattle
Part 4 Nutritional strategies to optimize ruminal function
18. Role of the rumen microbiome in pasture-fed ruminant production systems
19. Optimising ruminal function: the role of silage and concentrate in dairy cow nutrition to improve feed efficiency and reduce methane and nitrogen emissions
20. The use of feedlot/cereal grains in improving feed efficiency and reducing by-products such as methane in ruminants
21. Plant secondary compounds: beneficial roles in sustainable ruminant nutrition and productivity
22. The use of probiotics as supplements for ruminants

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