Horse Movement: Structure, Function and Rehabilitation


Horse Movement: Structure, Function and Rehabilitation

Horse Movement: Structure, Function And Rehabilitation Pdf

By Gail Williams and Alexa McKenna

Anatomy is often said to be boring, but nothing could be further from the truth. Anatomy, particularly functional anatomy, is a vital and dynamic subject, an appreciation of which leads not only to superior husbandry and welfare, but also to a better understanding of the anatomical challenges associated with riding, training, overtraining, injury and rehabilitation.

Using Alexa McKennaโ€™s fabulous illustrations, Horse Movement: Structure, Function and Rehabilitation PDF shows the correlation of the skeleton, muscular system and locomotion, providing a clear insight into the functional and dysfunctional horse. It also addresses the largely misunderstood concept of โ€˜perfect conformationโ€™and looks at the effect on function of the rider and tack, using cutting-edge diagnostic techniques such as thermal imaging and gait analysis.

Again with the emphasis on the visual, readers will be able to appreciate how muscles function in differing athletic disciplines by analysing the heat generated in musculoskeletal structures after exercise. This will also highlight the importance of post-competition recovery. The book concludes with a range of useful techniques to improve the function of any horse, including stretches, taping, wrapping and other proprioceptive techniques to increase balance, flexibility, awareness and posture.

Read more: Atlas of Diagnostic Radiology of the Horse: Diseases of the Front and Hind Limbs

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