Health Maintenance and Principal Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes, 3rd Edition


Health Maintenance and Principal Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes, 3rd Edition

Health Maintenance And Principal Microbial Diseases Of Cultured Fishes 3Rd Edition

By John A. Plumb and Larry A. Hanson

Health Maintenance and Principal Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes, 3rd Edition PDF is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the classic text. Building on the wealth of information presented in the previous edition, this new edition offers a major revision of the valuable health maintenance section, with new pathogens added throughout the book. Health Maintenance and Principal Microbial Diseases of Cultured Fishes, Third Edition focuses on maintaining fish health, illustrating how management can reduce the effects of disease.

The text is divided into sections on health maintenance, viral diseases, and bacterial diseases, and covers a wide variety of commercially important species, including catfish, salmon, trout, sturgeon, and tilapia. This book is a valuable resource for professionals and students in the areas of aquaculture, aquatic health maintenance, pathobiology, and aquatic farm management.

  • Major revision of the valuable fish health maintenance section
  • Presents new pathogens and advances in the field
  • Illustrates methods for maintaining fish health through management of disease
  • Offers sections on health maintenance, viral diseases, and bacterial diseases
  • Covers a wide variety of fish species
Table of Contents

About the Authors vii

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

Part I: Health Maintenance

1 Principles of Health Maintenance 3

2 Epizootiology of Fish Diseases 31

3 Pathology and Disease Diagnosis 39

4 Disease Management 57

Part II: Viral Diseases

5 Catfish Viruses 95

6 Carp and Minnow Viruses 109

7 Eel Viruses 135

8 Trout and Salmon Viruses 147

9 Sturgeon Viruses 219

10 Other Viral Diseases of Fish 227

Part III: Bacterial Diseases

11 Catfish Bacterial Diseases 275

12 Carp and Minnow Bacterial Diseases 315

13 Eel Bacterial Diseases 327

14 Salmonid Bacterial Diseases 345

15 Striped Bass Bacterial Diseases 419

16 Tilapia Bacterial Diseases 445

17 Other Bacterial Diseases 465

Part IV: Appendices

Appendix I. List of Common and Scientific Names of Fishes 473

Appendix II. Table of Conversion Factors 477

Appendix III. List of Cell Lines Commonly Used for Diagnostics 479

Index 483

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