Fish Nutrition, 3rd Edition

Fish Nutrition 3rd Edition PDF

By Ronald W. Hardy

Fish Nutrition 3rd Edition PDF is a comprehensive treatise on nutrient requirements and metabolism in major species of fish used in aquaculture or scientific experiments. It covers nutrients required and used in cold water, warm water, fresh water, and marine species for growth and reproduction. It also highlights basic physiology and biochemistry of the nutrients and applications of these principles to scientific and practical diet formulations and to manufacturing techniques for major species used worldwide in aquaculture.

  • Nutrient requirements for dietary formulations for fish farming
  • Digestive physiology
  • Comparative nutritional requirements of different species
  • Fish as unique animals for certain metabolic pathways
Table of Contents

Dominique P. Bureau, Sadasivam J. Kaushik, and C.Young Cho

The Vitamins
John E. Halver

Amino Acids and Proteins
Robert P. Wilson

The Lipids
John R. Sargent, Douglas R. Tocher, and J. Gordon Bell

The Minerals
Santosh P. Lall

Intermediary Metabolism
Konrad Dabrowski and Helga Guderley

Nutritional Physiology
Michael B. Rust

Nutritional Pathology
Ronald J. Roberts

Diet Formulation and Manufacture
Ronald W. Hardy and Frederick T. Barrows

Adventitious Toxins
Jerry D. Hendricks

Special Feeds
George M. Pigott and Barbee W. Tucker

Nutrition and Fish Health
Delbert M. Gatlin III

Diet and Fish Husbandry
Richard T. Lovell

Nutrient Flow and Retention
John E. Halver and Ronald W. Hardy

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