Dog Grooming For Dummies, 2nd Edition


Dog Grooming For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Dog Grooming For Dummies, 2Nd Edition

By Margaret H. Bonham

Dog Grooming For Dummies, 2nd Edition PDF. Make your puppy look as perfect as you know they are

When Fido is getting a bit too fluffy and Milo is downright mangy, it might just be time for a trim to get your pup looking their best. But where do you even begin? Dog Grooming For Dummies walks you through exactly how to groom your dog so they come out looking like they could win an award at the American Kennel Club, every time!

You’ll learn about prepping your canine for the shears, bathing your dog, cutting and brushing fur, all without help from a professional dog groomer. From the most down-on-their-luck rescue dog to pampered designer doodles, you’ll discover how to use the latest equipment and supplies to get people asking, “Did you get a new pup?” (Nope! They just look like one!)

In the book, you’ll get:

  • A totally revamped section on the impact of canine nutrition on your pet’s coat
  • New information on how to go about hiring a professional dog groomer and what qualifications you should look for
  • Practical and hands-on advice on becoming a mobile, professional dog groomer

A fantastic and page-turning read full of step-by-step explanations, product suggestions, tips, and techniques, Dog Grooming For Dummies is the one-stop resource you need to stop chasing your tail and start washing, cutting, and styling your pooch into perfection.

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