Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse, Rat, and Human Atlas, 2nd Edition


Comparative Anatomy and Histology A Mouse, Rat, and Human Atlas, 2nd Edition

Comparative Anatomy And Histology A Mouse, Rat, And Human Atlas, 2Nd Edition Pdf

By Piper Treuting, Suzanne Dintzis and Kathleen S. Montine

Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse, Rat, and Human Atlas, 2nd Edition PDF is aimed at the new rodent investigator as well as medical and veterinary pathologists who need to expand their knowledge base into comparative anatomy and histology. It guides the reader through normal mouse and rat anatomy and histology using direct comparison to the human. The side by side comparison of mouse, rat, and human tissues highlight the unique biology of the rodents, which has great impact on the validation of rodent models of human disease.

  • Offers the only comprehensive source for comparing mouse, rat, and human anatomy and histology through over 1500 full-color images, in one reference work
  • Enables human and veterinary pathologists to examine tissue samples with greater accuracy and confidence
  • Teaches biomedical researchers to examine the histologic changes in their model rodents
  • Experts from both human and veterinary fields take readers through each organ system in a side-by-side comparative approach to anatomy and histology โ€“ human Netter anatomy images along with Netter-style rodent images

Read more: Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature 4th Edition

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Phenotyping
3. Necropsy and Histology
4. IHC, imaging
5. Skeletal system
6. Nose, sinus, pharynx
7. Oral cavity, teeth
8. Salivary glands
9. Respiratory
10. Cardiovascular
11. Upper GI
12. Lower GI
13. Liver and Gall Bladder
15. Endocrine
16. Urinary tract
17. Female Repro
18. Male Repro
19. Hematopoietic and Lymph
20. Nervous System
21. Special senses Eye
22. Special senses Ear
23. Mammary Gland
24. Skin and Adnexa

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