Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management


Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management

Canine And Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis And Management PdfBy Luisa De Risio and Simon R. Platt

Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management PDF covers seizure pathogenesis, classifications, diagnostic investigations, emergency treatments and longer term treatments, with a large section on pharmacological intervention. Filling a considerable gap in the veterinary literature, it includes tables and charts for quick reference during emergencies. Seizures can be very distressing to animals and owners, yet not all seizures are the result of epilepsy, a neurological condition. This book discusses how to distinguish between epileptic and non-neurological seizures, and provides case studies to illustrate different occurrences of epilepsy.

Table of Contents
Chapter: 1 Pathophysiology of seizure activity.
Chapter: 2 Pathophysiology of pharmacoresistant epilepsy.

Chapter: 3 Classification of seizures and epilepsies.

Chapter: 4 Reactive seizures.

Chapter: 5 Structural epilepsy.

Chapter: 6 Idiopathic epilepsy and genetics.

Chapter: 7 Epidemiology of canine seizures.

Chapter: 8 Epidemiology of feline seizures.

Chapter: 9 Mimics of seizure activity: disorders confused with epilepsy.

Chapter: 10 Clinical and diagnostic investigation of the seizure patient.

Chapter: 11 Introduction to electroencephalography.

Chapter: 12 Principles of anti-epileptic treatment.

Chapter: 13 Phenobarbital.

Chapter: 14 Bromide.

Chapter: 15 Zonisamide.

Chapter: 16 Levetiracetam.

Chapter: 17 Gabapentin and pregabalin.

Chapter: 18 Felbamate.

Chapter: 19 Topiramate.

Chapter: 20 The new additions: lacosamide, brivaracetam and rufinamide.

Chapter: 21 Benzodiazepines.

Chapter: 22 Imepitoin (Pexionยฎ).

Chapter: 23 Pathophysiology and management of cluster seizures.

Chapter: 24 Pathophysiology and management of status epilepticus.

Chapter: 25 Novel and adjunctive treatments.